kaksi isoa kourallista pinaattia
puolikas kurkku
granny smith omena
2-3 dl vettä
Heitä ainekset blenderiin ja suristele tasaiseksi. Tästä ainesmäärästä riittää kahteen annokseen. Yhden annoksen ravintoarvot ovat seuraavanlaiset:
Kaloreita 132 kcal
Hiilihydraatteja 16g
Rasvaa 8g
Proteiinia 2g
Kuitua 7g
An easy way getting to know plant-based smoothies is by adding fruit or berries to it. Remember though that not all fruit mix well with vegetables. The following is a very easy and pleasant smoothie for anyone interested in vegetable-based green smoothies!
two large handfuls of spinach
half a cucumber
granny smith apple
2-3 dl of water
Throw all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. With this amount of ingredients you will get two servings. The nutritional values for one serving are as follows:
Calories 132 kcal
Carbohydrates 16g
Fat 8g
Protein 2g
Fiber 7g
Will make and try this weekend ..Thankyou